What is a WOD
WOD stands for “Workout of the Day". Every day we post a workout on the website which is the main work component of the session that will be coached that day. Each class member will perform the same workout as each other however scaling exercises, loads, and reps/distance where appropriate.
Who can do CrossFit?
Anyone can do CrossFit! This answers another common question of, do I need to be fit to join?
No! Our sessions (Crossfit and Sweat) are for EVERYONE.
If you’re brand new to CrossFit, you may require some introductory sessions to ensure you are competent with some of the fundamental movements and lay the foundation for you to get the most out of our classes. It’s also a time for us to get to know your goals and movement patterns so we can set you up for long term success! This can easily be arranged (1-1 or small groups).
At Brawn, regardless of age, fitness, experience or limitations we share the one common goal of bettering ourselves. Just show up and we’ll take care of the rest.
How often should I do a session?
Be consistent and turn up regularly. We recommend you attend at least 4 WOD’s/Sweat sessions per week (for unlimited memberships). Our program is designed to have a continual growth in intensity and periodisation of training variables, attendance is crucial, and effort is key.
CrossFit Lingo!?
the session brief can look like another language lol! Here’s a quick rundown
AMRAP: As many rounds or reps as possible
EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute
RM: Repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for one rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times. (Commonly found in WOD's as 1RM/3RM/5RM etc.)
Rx: Meaning as prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments to weights, movements etc.
Terms and Conditions
Member Agreement
We welcome you to Brawn Fitness – “More than just fitness”
WOD stands for “Workout of the Day". Every day we post a workout on the website which is the main work component of the session that will be coached that day. Each class member will perform the same workout as each other however scaling exercises, loads, and reps/distance where appropriate.
Who can do CrossFit?
Anyone can do CrossFit! This answers another common question of, do I need to be fit to join?
No! Our sessions (Crossfit and Sweat) are for EVERYONE.
If you’re brand new to CrossFit, you may require some introductory sessions to ensure you are competent with some of the fundamental movements and lay the foundation for you to get the most out of our classes. It’s also a time for us to get to know your goals and movement patterns so we can set you up for long term success! This can easily be arranged (1-1 or small groups).
At Brawn, regardless of age, fitness, experience or limitations we share the one common goal of bettering ourselves. Just show up and we’ll take care of the rest.
How often should I do a session?
Be consistent and turn up regularly. We recommend you attend at least 4 WOD’s/Sweat sessions per week (for unlimited memberships). Our program is designed to have a continual growth in intensity and periodisation of training variables, attendance is crucial, and effort is key.
CrossFit Lingo!?
the session brief can look like another language lol! Here’s a quick rundown
AMRAP: As many rounds or reps as possible
EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute
RM: Repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for one rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times. (Commonly found in WOD's as 1RM/3RM/5RM etc.)
Rx: Meaning as prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments to weights, movements etc.
Terms and Conditions
Member Agreement
- Be on time. Being late is disruptive to both coaches and other members and too the effectiveness of your session!
- Show respect to other members. Absolutely encourage and support others, but do not coach, leave this to us.
- Practice and follow advice or direction given by coaches and ask questions if needed. We’re here to help and are very approachable. If you have a concern or need further advice or instruction on either training or nutrition please feel free to approach us.
- Be honest at all times and report anything to the coaches you think is incorrect or you are not entirely happy with immediately, if you don’t voice your opinion or concern, we cannot hear it.
- Respect the equipment, if it doesn’t bounce don’t drop it (empty bars, kettle bells, dumbbells etc.) Dumping loaded bars from overhead is part of CrossFit but if there is zero control it can be quite unsafe, so aim to guide them down. Keep the gym clean and be hygiene smart. Ensure you spray and put away your own weights and equipment after your workout Chalk - yes, we know it gives us superpowers however keep it in the buckets.
- Make a commitment to myself and my coaches to take ownership of my health and fitness and give it 100%.
- We aren’t about contracts or minimum terms! If needed, we do require 2 weeks notice to cancel or hold your membership. Minimum hold is 1 fortnight. We believe our quality coaching, facility, community and results will keep you committed to your health and fitness.
We welcome you to Brawn Fitness – “More than just fitness”